non-EU citizens
If you have already been residing in the territory on a long-stay visa or long-term residence permit and found a job in the Czech Republic and plan on working on an employment contract, you will need to apply for an employee card at the Ministry of Interior (MOI). The Czech employee card is tied to a long-term residence permit with the purpose of stay being “employment.”
Once approved, the MOI will issue you a biometric card with your details and with a maximum possible validity period of 2 years — linked to the term of your employment contract. The employment card can be extended repeatedly so long as your employment contract remains valid.
It is possible to change employers during your employee card’s validity, but no earlier than 6 months after collecting your first employee card (i.e. after the first 6 months of your initial employment). A change of employer must be announced 30 days before it occurs. In such a case, the MOI will then inform the employee card holder and their future employer whether the employee card holder fulfills the conditions for the change of employer within a 30-day turnaround time.
We will contact your employer and together prepare all the necessary documents for submitting the job vacancy report known as a “Hlášenka” to the Labor Office. With a power of attorney, we will represent you throughout your entire application process at the Ministry of the Interior and accompany you personally to submit your application. Your personal presence is required.
Documents needed to apply
- a valid passport
- an employment contract
- 1 passport photo in EU size (35 mm x 45 mm)
- the job vacancy number provided by the Labor Office
- a document proving you have the required education or are qualified for the position (such as your HS diploma, university degree, or other credentials) if the position so requires. Please note that university degrees or HS diplomas may need an apostille and possibly a statement of comparability (nostrification) and/or sworn Czech translation.
- proof of accommodation (rental agreement, ownership deed, or accommodation confirmation form)
- the administrative fee of 2,500 CZK
- a power of attorney for us to represent you throughout the process (we will provide this)
pRICE: 18 900 CZK
Our price includes:
- consultancy provided throughout the entire process
- scheduling an appointment with the Ministry of Interior (MOI)
- scheduling other appointments with the MOI for other tasks (change of address, reporting a new passport, etc.)
- accompanying you at the MOI and interpreting in Czech for you
- obtaining a vacancy number from the Labor Office
- power of attorney to substitute you while you are in process, which also includes receiving mail on your behalf and delivering any requested documents to the MOI for you
- filling out the application form and preparing your dossier
- staying in touch with the Labour office in case there are any issues that need resolving
- arranging sworn translations and notarized copies, if needed (for your criminal record; translation/notary fees not include)
- arranging a bridge visa in your passport in case you plan to travel while your application is being processed
- obtaining the currency stamps required for the application
- tracking the status of your application to see if it has already been approved
- communication with your landlord for the correct completion of your accommodation documents
- communication with your employer for the correct completion of your employment contract
All documents must be submitted in their original master copy or as a certified copy. Your original travel document (i.e. passport) must be presented in person.
All documents submitted in a foreign language must be submitted as an original, or certified copy, and come with an official sworn translation into Czech.
Documents submitted for your employee card application must not be more than 180 days old, with the exception of your travel document (passport), your university degree, high school diploma, or other credentials, or your photo, so long as the photo matches your current appearance.