non-EU citizens


Foreign nationals residing in the Czech Republic after a certain period of time who currently hold a permanent residence permit may be eligible to apply for naturalization. The period of required residence varies depending on your circumstances and the granting of citizenship is not a legal right. You may include minor children and your spouse or civil/registered partner in your application for Czech citizenship by naturalization.

Generally, you must prove integration into Czech society, a clean criminal record, financial stability, Czech language skills at level B1, and pass the citizenship exam. Applicants under the age of 15 or over the age of 65, those with disabilities, or those whose granting of Czech citizenship would prove to be beneficial to the Czech Republic, may be exempt from the language and testing requirements. Acquiring Czech citizenship affords you all the rights and privileges of an EU citizen.

Applicants must apply at their local Vital Statistics Office (Matrika) that has jurisdiction over their permanent residence address.

There is an extensive list of exemptions for certain citizenship requirements. We can put you in touch with our citizenship experts to help you find the fastest citizenship pathway for you.

pRICE: Upon agreement