non-EU citizens


A Blue Card is a long-term residence permit for highly skilled employment. A high qualification is defined as a university degree or higher education that has been properly completed and lasted for at least 3 years. The Blue Card entitles a foreign national to stay and work in the Czech Republic simultaneously, i.e. the applicant does not need a separate work permit.

You can apply for a Blue Card at a Czech Embassy or General Consulate abroad or in your country of origin. If the applicant holds a Blue Card issued by another EU Member State or if the foreign national holds a visa for a stay of more than 90 days or a long-term residence permit issued for another purpose, the applicant may also apply for a Blue Card at the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) within one month from the date of entry into the territory. 

The application must be submitted in person.

Whether you submit your application at the Czech Embassy or General Consulate abroad or in the Czech Republic at the MOI, we will be able to guide you through the entire process and have full authority throughout the proceeding to ensure everything is under control. Any communication from the MOI regarding your application will be exclusively with us.

Documents needed to apply:

pRICE: 18 900 CZK

Our price includes:

All documents must be submitted in their original master copy or as a certified copy. Your original travel document (i.e. passport) must be presented in person. 

All documents submitted in a foreign language must be submitted as an original, or certified copy, and come with an official sworn translation into Czech.

Documents submitted for your Blue Card application must not be more than 180 days old, with the exception of your travel document (passport), your university degree, high school diploma, or other credentials, or your photo, so long as the photo matches your current appearance.